Ashleigh Campbell


About Ashleigh

My name is Ashleigh. I played competitive softball throughout my whole life staying active and competitive. I graduated high school in 2020 when everything shut down and my softball career ended. I found myself depressed and unmotivated. I was lost without a competitive drive and no physical activity. I found CrossFit Shakerag and was immediately hooked on the sport, the community, and the fitness! Within my first year of doing CrossFit I completed my L1 so I could use my love of the sport to help develop others. I am a licensed Physical Therapist Assistant which has helped develop my coaching ability as well as my knowledge of the body, rehabilitation, and ability to help others maintain longevity with the activities that they love. Helping others achieve goals they never thought possible brings me so much joy and I could not be more grateful to be able to do it for a living.