What Our Gym Offers

Top-Rated Fitness Programs In Peachtree City


Our CrossFit group class workouts can be adjusted in weight, intensity, and certain mechanics in order to scale to the experience and fitness levels of any individual. Whether you are a total fitness beginner or elite competitive CrossFitter, you will get a great workout at our Peachtree City gym.

Personal Training

What does it take? …It takes a passionate, knowledgeable trainer to show you what to do, and keep you on the right track.

Olympic Lifting

Our expert trainers at our Peachtree City gym will help improve your technique and develop great strength and power. The focus will be on the following Olympic-style lifts: Snatch, Clean, Push-Press, Push-Jerk and Split-Jerk.

Strength & Conditioning

CrossFit Shakerag‘s programming is purposely segmented to allow each individual the opportunity to focus on strength, endurance, or weightlifting. This gives all members the flexibility to jump into a CrossFit class to increase intensity, or spend time focusing on a weakness, without compromising their main goal.

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